
Download Our Book Catalogue

Book NamePriceAuthor NamePublished YearActions
A brick of the wall80.00Narendra Parmar2007View Book
A different shade80.00Harishchandra Joshi 2007View Book
a few times140.00Suvarna 2010View Book
A Fistful of Sky (Lt. Charles Dickens) ( Translation of The Great Expectation ) Cover200.00Anu. Raymond Parmar 2016View Book
A simple interior160.00Kandarp Desai2019View Book
A time capsule400.00Mohanbhai Patel2019View Book
A virgin courtesan200.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
About America120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2005View Book
Abu Taleb Khan’s100.00Yunus Chitalwala2013View Book
Accidental touch150.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Administration talks400.00Kulin Chandra Yagnik2015View Book
After the temple200.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2023View Book
Albert Einstein50.00P.​ C.​ Patel2023View Book
Alok120.00Keshubhai Patel2019View Book
among the shadows120.00Abhimanyu Acharya2018View Book
Antardah80.00Kalindi Parikh 2001View Book
Anthapuram200.00Preeti Sengupta2013View Book
Aparajita180.00Preeti Sengupta2011View Book
Ashokavan and the Leaning Minaret250.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2024View Book
Autobiography120.00Harikrishna Pathak 2018View Book
Avali has to swim the Ganges250.00 Lalit Trivedi 2024View Book
because of you120.00Bharat Vinzuda 2018View Book
Between two banks100.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2008View Book
Bhagwanlal Indraji300.00 Veerchand Dharamshi 2012View Book
Bhane Tuko (Marathi Abhango)130.00Anu. Aruna Jadeja 2012View Book
black demon96.00Eva Dave1999View Book
Bore of Shabri100.00Dr. Prafull Shah2010View Book
brainstorming200.00Pradeep Khandwala 2012View Book
Breach of Faith40.00Kalpesh Patel2000View Book
Challenge of women awareness and underprivileged women in Gujarat50.00Shireen Mehta 2019View Book
Chandan and Sadhu100.00Bhanuprasad Trivedi2009View Book
Close to100.00Dr. Bharat Shah 2003View Book
Colors of the rainbow80.00Shanubhai Andhariya2017View Book
Comedy thirty -seven100.00 Vinod Bhatt and Ratilal Borisagar 2002View Book
Congregation90.00Surmal Vahonia 2002View Book
Darrow100.00Kanji Patel2012View Book
defense120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2019View Book
desert island120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Dharadham100.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2014View Book
Dhirdhar and Exploitation in Western India David Hardiman250.00ed. Shantilal Merai 2011View Book
Dim light has fallen…100.00Shailesh Tewani 2013View Book
Dimlight and the third man250.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2024View Book
Dundubhi no. Dalpat Chauhan, Praveen Gadhvi, Harish Mangalam70.002001View Book
Early rain70.00Munikumar Pandya2004View Book
Ekalveer Sanat Mehta200.00Dunkesh Ojha2017View Book
Elegance360.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2021View Book
Enemy’s maiden voyage75.00Digish Mehta1999View Book
Enough of the script200.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2018View Book
Everyday poetry250.00 No. Natubhai G. Shah2011View Book
faller200.00Sanjay Chaudhary2022View Book
Father Shekhar on the wing of love120.00Anu. Raymond Chauhan 2014View Book
feeling100.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2018View Book
Footpaths and sidewalks60.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 1997View Book
forms of air70.00Yakub Parmar 2012View Book
Fractured Gold Plates (Foreign Tales)120.00Chinmay Jani2011View Book
from fellow80.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2008View Book
Further Steps towards Mastering Gujarati400.00Raymond Parmar2016View Book
Get together120.00Sagar Shah2018View Book
Grave of the Pencil… Other Singles100.00Adil Mansoori 2004View Book
guest house150.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Guild120.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2021View Book
Gujarat and the Sea1,600.00ed. L. Varadrajan 2011View Book
Happy memories70.00Nagin Gandhi2006View Book
Hashitam madhuram100.00 Pradyumna Acharya 2013View Book
He and three companions– Lieut. Rabindranath80.00Anu. Sujna Shah2005View Book
Hedda Gabler Ley. Henry Ibsen Anu.80.00Meghlata Mehta 2005View Book
History of international trade and customs duty in Gujarat300.00 Makrand Mehta 2009View Book
I am sitting on the spark120.00Lalit Trivedi 2018View Book
I have a small mind and a big heart130.00Dr. Prafull Shah2015View Book
I have learned the word love90.00Ushans 2007View Book
I haven’t seen the other side yet100.00Lalit Trivedi 2013View Book
Imagination80.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2008View Book
immobility200.00Ghanshyam Patel2023View Book
in the middle of the desert100.00Vinesh Antani2016View Book
in the Vrindavan of memories100.00Gita Gida2015View Book
Indian Culture in Today’s Context200.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2014View Book
Indian novel tradition…200.00Bholabhai Patel 2015View Book
Interest without principal70.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2003View Book
Is life a gamble ?70.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2005View Book
Itching80.00Devendra Dave 2007View Book
J ghar nar sulakshana100.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2004View Book
Jawara (Folk Tales)80.00Pratap Singh Rathore2003View Book
Journalist Balwantrai Shah100.00No. Punita Harne2012View Book
Kar sahab ki bandagi130.00Mehboob Desai 2015View Book
Karpoormanjari of Rudramahalaya90.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2003View Book
keep80.00Jagdish Patel2008View Book
Krantiba Phule Anu. Jayant Parekh120.00Sunita Chaudhary 2016View Book
Life reputation70.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2005View Book
Like a hymn90.00Rev. Father Varghese Paul 2004View Book
Like birds70.00Bharat Vinzuda 2003View Book
Lokalila160.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2016View Book
Long live Gujarati80.00 Narayan Desai 2010View Book
loo150.00Ample diameter2018View Book
Lost identity60.00Bhavna Mehta1998View Book
Mahar to Karna100.00 Klpesh Patel 2004View Book
Matrithira140.00S. Nandini Trivedi2011View Book
Meghdootam120.00Kalindi Pathak 2014View Book
Memorable experiences180.00Father Varghese Paul2006View Book
memorial garden140.00Gita Gida2015View Book
Middle plank180.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Mind in clay120.00Ghanshyam Patel 2017View Book
misunderstanding120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Mixed blood90.00Eva Dave 1990View Book
Mohanlal Patel Study Textbook200.00 Sr. Manilal Prajapati 2001View Book
Mohanlal Patel Surgeon Special R. Chaudhary180.00Q. Brahmabhatta 2005View Book
Mukund Madhav60.00Munikumar Pandya2013View Book
Mukund Madhav60.00Munikumar Pandya2013View Book
Nandighar150.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Navayatra140.00Munikumar Pandya2023View Book
Near and Sikandar Sani250.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2024View Book
Nineteenth century text – librarian150.00 Deepak Mehta 2015View Book
Nirvana – Lieut. Pratima Devi50.00Anu. Sujna Shah2003View Book
Nokha question of women90.00Indu Rao2004View Book
North (Hindi, Gujarati)120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 1997View Book
Old Rangati Bazar140.00Vijay Soni2019View Book
On the banks of the blaze160.00Arvind Barot 2019View Book
On the edge of a ravine, a branch90.00Kanji Patel 2013View Book
On the occasion of Saptarshi100.00Shanubhai Andhariya2017View Book
On the opposite bank Incidentally80.00 Dalpat Padhiar 2010View Book
on the other side150.00Jagdeep Upadhyaya2021View Book
One step forward two steps back170.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2009View Book
Our Social Religion (Lt. Jayabhen Shah) No.300.00Mansukh Salla 2011View Book
panorama180.00Radhika Patel 2018View Book
Phoebe came. Badal Sarkar Anu.160.00Jyoti Bhalaria 2006View Book
Physicists of India90.00PC Patel2002View Book
Pigeon, kite and mirror90.00 Rajendra Patel 2012View Book
Pilgrimage Gujarat120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2015View Book
Poet duo Jaswant Desai-100.00 Hemant Desai 2013View Book
promise of earth100.00Kanji Patel 2012View Book
Psyche to Lokmanas300.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2021View Book
Purvarag , mutual , set of affections350.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2005View Book
Rabindranath Tagore400.00 Bholabhai Patel 2015View Book
Ragaghinam120.00Sanju Wala 2021View Book
Ramesh R. Dave’s Representative Stories200.00Kandarp Desai2019View Book
Rasavaibhava200.00Nitin Trivedi2016View Book
Red Green Purple100.00Bharat Vinzuda 2015View Book
Reincarnation and Other Stories100.00Chinmay Jani2011View Book
resurrection100.00Absolutely Dave2001View Book
Saurabh50.00Nalin Rawal 2015View Book
Sea of ​​Ether100.00Mahendra Joshi 2013View Book
Set of Gokul , Mathura , Dwarka570.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2017View Book
Shri Purant Jethese90.00Rajendra Patel2009View Book
Shyamsuhagi80.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2008View Book
Silence echoes75.00Ahmad Gul 2001View Book
Sleep and fasting104.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 1999View Book
Sleep happily in the world100.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2004View Book
Smokeless smoke200.00Incomparable Butch2017View Book
Somatirtha300.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 1900View Book
Study China70.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2003View Book
Sun peel70.00Yakub Parmar 2006View Book
Swadhyaya of Ishopanishad50.00Narottam Patel2013View Book
Take a man of mind . Sunil Gangopadhyay100.00Anu. Preeti Sengupta 2013View Book
Take the believer . Sane Guruji72.00Anu. Jayant Parmar 1999View Book
Tamasa80.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 1997View Book
Ten Western Novels150.00No. Raymond Parmar2017View Book
The changing season180.00Raksha Desai 2017View Book
the distance120.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2013View Book
The last decree130.00Eva Dave2005View Book
The majesty of the Sahara120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2014View Book
The palm of nature120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2022View Book
The rising sun200.00 Jitendra Dave 2013View Book
The scene played out again100.00Munikumar Pandya2012View Book
Thedagar95.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 1999View Book
There is someone outside180.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Thomakakani Kholi ( Translation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin )350.00Anu. Raymond Parmar 2019View Book
to be so120.00 Ajay Sarvaiya 2018View Book
To break up without understanding120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2003View Book
Today it is …160.00Kandarp R. Desai 2015View Book
Today’s woman250.00Divyasha Doshi2017View Book
together from afar120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2021View Book
Tour of Australia130.00Kalindi Parikh2020View Book
Tridal100.00Parul Barot 2018View Book
Umashankar Joshi, Jayanthi Dalal and Chunilal Madia contributed to Gujarati singles.200.00Dr. Ramila Bhatt 2000View Book
Uniform inside out80.00Lalit Trivedi 2008View Book
Ushanas Samast Kavita400.00Ushans 1996View Book
Vanjoon Mahurat (Anu.)180.00Daksha Patel2017View Book
Vatsal’s Nayana and Other Critical Essays300.00Madhusudan Kapadia 2015View Book
Venu Vatsala150.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
Venu Vatsala150.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2018View Book
Venuvan Colony190.00Ghabaru Bhadiadara 2008View Book
Vijay Baahubali120.00 Raghuveer Chaudhary 2016View Book
Visamani Vaat200.00Ramesh R. dave2021View Book
Vraja Vaikunthe40.00Rajendra Shah 2002View Book
Wanted Poets150.00Nirav Patel 2019View Book
Where is Arjuna ?80.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2004View Book
Where is the happiness ?120.00Raksha Desai 2013View Book
Willing150.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2018View Book
Yours without a spark220.00Incomparable Butch2019View Book
Zanjavihar350.00Anu. Raymond Parmar1900View Book
અદ્યતન કવિતા500.00રઘુવીર ચૌધરી Raghuveer Chaudhary 2022View Book
અમૃતા Amruta320.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2024View Book
અમૃતાથી ધરાધામ ભાગ I – II Amrutathi Dharadhama Part I – II720.00 Sunita 2014View Book
આદિવાસી જાણે છે50.00Ganesha Devi2006View Book
આલ્બર્ટ આઇનસ્ટાઈન Albert Einstein50.00P.​ C.​ Patel2005View Book
ઇતિહાસનો મર્મ125.00Anu. Prafulla Jhala2001View Book
ઉપરવાસ વિશે200.00Sanjay Chaudhary 2019View Book
ઉશનસ્ અધ્યયન ગ્રંથ Ushanas Adyanya Granth150.00Lallubhai Patel 1996View Book
એક નટખટ છોકરાનાં પરાક્રમો The exploits of a naughty boy150.00Mark Twain , ed. Raymond Parmar2014View Book
કાવ્ય અને પ્રયોગો Poetry and experiment200.00 Dhirendra Mehta 2018View Book
કિલીમાન્જરો Kilimanjaro120.00Jayant Pathak2021View Book
કૉમ્પ્યુટર ઉદ્ભવ અને વિકાસ50.00P.​ C.​ Patel1999View Book
ખુલ્લામાં જઈ રમીએ40.00Rajendra Shah2002View Book
ગિરનાર (Girnar)200.00સંજય ચૌધરી (Sanjay Chaudhary)2009View Book
ગુજરાત અને દરિયો200.00Makarand Mehta 2012View Book
ગ્રંથવિવેક Granthavivek Le. Yashwant Doushi No.200.00 Deepak Mehta 2013View Book
ચાલો ચાલો નળસરોવર જઈએ40.00Jyntilal Dave2010View Book
છબી ભીતરની150.00અશ્વિન મહેતા Ashwin Mehta2015View Book
ટીવીની ત્રેવડ અને ત્રુટિઓ300.00ભરત દવે Bharat Dave 2017View Book
ડૉ. અબ્દુલ કલામ Dr. Abdul Kalam65.00PC Patel2003View Book
તબલાં પરિચય Introduction to Tabla100.00Ramesh Bapodara 1900View Book
તારલિયા Tarlia40.00Jyntilal Dave2010View Book
દર્શકના દેશમાં300.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2021View Book
દિવાળીથી દેવદિવાળી Diwali to Devdiwali6.00Raghuveer Chaudhary1986View Book
પંખો પવન ને પતંગિયું25.00Harshad Chandarana2002View Book
પુનર્વિચાર100.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2008View Book
બાર્ટન લાયબ્રેરી450.00Ushakant Mehta 2013View Book
ભારતનો સ્વાતંત્ર્ય સંગ્રામ400.00Dr. Chittaranjan Desai 2013View Book
ભૃગુલાંછન Bhrigulanchan120.00Raghuveer Chaudhary1998View Book
મખમલી સસલું100.00Raymond Parmar2014View Book
મુદ્દાની વાત112.00Raghuveer Chaudhary1999View Book
મેનેજમેન્ટ, મનુષ્યત્વ અને સર્જકતા Management, Humanity and Creativity90.00Pradeep Khandwala2011View Book
રઘુવીરવિશેષ250.00 Minal Dave 2024View Book
રમત અમારી40.00Rajendra Shah2002View Book
વાડમાં વસંત100.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2005View Book
વાત માણસની Vata Mansni ‘ (Labhashankar Adhyayan Granth) – Ed. Raghuveer Chaudhary ,600.00Ramesh R. Dave and Kirit Dudhat 2017View Book
વાર્તાવિશેષ story special360.00Raghuveer Chaudhary 2017View Book
વિરહિણી ગણિકા200.00Raghuveer Chaudhary2018View Book
વિશ્વમાં જીવન80.00P.​ C.​ Patel2011View Book
શુક્લપક્ષ Shuklapaksha300.00Jaydev Shukla 2021View Book
શ્રાવણનો પાઠ80.00Hitesh Pandya2015View Book
સપના જેવો છે સંસાર (ગુજરાતી ફિલ્મો વિશે)220.00Viral Mehta2019View Book
સરવંગા Sarvanga150.00 Narottam Palan 2019View Book
સૌરાષ્ટ્રનો ઇતિહાસ ભાગ ૧400.00S. V. jani 2014View Book
સૌરાષ્ટ્રનો ઇતિહાસ ભાગ ૨300.00S. V. jani 2012View Book
સ્મૃતિઅંજલિ70.00Nagin Gandhi2008View Book
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